Therefore, the only way to know for sure if a water body has an ordinance in effect is to look for a sign posted at a public boat landing. More information is available from Safe Drinking Water Hotline at (800) 426-4791. There may be a delay between the time an ordinance is passed and the time it gets into our database. Also be sure to review the document Wisconsin Boating Regulations to learn about statewide regulations. But the overlying issue is the county’s water supply. Covington Reservoir Dam is a dam located. Water is treated at the Cornish Creek Water Treatment Facility located at Lake Roy Varner and at the Williams Street Water Treatment Facility located in downtown Covington. Description for Covington Reservoir Dam, Newton County, Georgia. The Newton County Water System is a wholesale provider of water. ** About Boating Ordinances: Before boating on an unfamiliar Wisconsin waterways check for a sign at the public boat landing to determine if there are local regulations (more restrictive than state law) which may apply on that waterbody. The Bear Creek Water Supply Reservoir project has been a hot topic for its questions of validity and expenses. Bodies of Water near Covington Reservoir Dam. Proposed Amendment to Ordinance 1991-2 Section 6(G) ĪN ORDINANCE TO REGULATE BOATING UPON THE WATERS LOCATED IN THE TOWN OF STEPHENSON The new reservoir will occupy approximately 1,200 acres of land. After exploring several locations, a site in Newton County was selected as the best option.

To meet current and future water demands, a new reservoir is needed. PFA, Education Center Clayton & Henry County Water Supply Reservoirs. Twenty-five private wells in Newton County have gone dry since 2014. SLOW-NO-WAKE AREAS, WATER SKIING RESTRICTIONS, WATERCRAFT PROHIBITION, SLOW-NO-WAKE HOURS, WATER SKI DROP-OFF/PICK-UP AREAĪN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF LAKEWOOD, OCONTO COUNTY, WISCONSIN TO REGULATE WATER SKIING ON THE WATERS THEREOF Top Places to Take a Kid Fishing Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center. Title 12 Chapter 4: Boating and Watercraft Use Newton County Water & Sewer Authority City of Covington Newton County Jackson Lake Homeowners Association Keep Covington Newton Beautiful Newton Trails. WATER SKIING RESTRICTIONS, MOTORBOAT PROHIBITION, SLOW-NO-WAKE HOURS, SLOW-NO-WAKE AREAS Water Skiing Restrictions, Slow-No-Wake Hours, Slow-No-Wake AreasĪN ORDINANCE TO REGULATE WATER TRAFFIC, BOATING AND WATER SPORTS UPON THE WATERS LOCATED IN THE TOWN OF STEPHENSON, CALDRON FALLS FLOWAGE, HIGH FALLS FLOWAGE, JOHNSON FALLS FLOWAGE, LEFT FOOT LAKE, BIG NEWTON LAKE, LITTLE NEWTON LAKE, SANDSTONE FLOWAGE AND THUNDER LAKE, AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION THEREOF