Scite compiler
Scite compiler

scite compiler

SciteReadTags - a derivative of SciteTags with a ctags based api generator.SciteFuncList - shows the function list of the current editing source file in the output pane.SciteBufferSwitch - accessing recently-used buffers with a drop-down list.LuaInspect provides a plugin that syntax highlights using intelligent AST analysis (via MetaLua libraries).Recent versions of SciTE have experimental support for writing lexers in Lua:.SciteUnicodeInput - replaces the unicode hexadecimal codepoint before cursor, with its UTF-8 encoding.SciteConvertDecHex - converts the selected text to decimal or hex.SciteStripTrailings - Strip trailing whitespace on file saving.SciteMergeOnChange - keep text synchronized with changes made outside of SciTE.SciteIndent - indent HTML, PHP, C, CPP, Javascript, embedded Javascript, XML.SciteDeleteBlankLines - delete all blank lines in a document.


  • SciteIndentation - reindent selected Lua code.
  • SciteSortSelection - sort a selection of text.
  • SciteHtmlEntities - functions to deal with HTML entities.
  • SciteTitleCase - changes selected text into titlecase.
  • SciteCommentBox - reformats and adds a comment box around a text selection, customizable.
  • SciteQuickStartXhtml - a XHTML Quick Start.
  • SciteCleanWhiteLines - strip white lines of a text.
  • SciteHexify - convert the selection to hex escaped form.
  • SciteSimpleTemplate - apply tabular values to a template text.
  • SciteCleanDocWhitespace - strip trailing spaces and fix indentation.
  • SciteCompareFiles - compares the selected files using an external tool.
  • SciteLineBreak - toggles automatic "line breaking" at given width while typing text.
  • SciteEditWithVim - edit current editing file with an external editor such as Vim.
  • SciteInsertDate - insert the date and time at current position.
  • SciteExternalFileBrowser - open external file browser like 'explorer'.
  • SciteFileBrowser - Let to view files in a current directory and open ones.
  • SciteAutoCompleteAnyLanguage - Provide auto-completion in any file based purely on the file's contents.
  • SciteBackupFile - use a script to keep a backup of the file you are editing.
  • SciteProgrammingUtils - a few simple scripts for C programmers from a lua newbie.
  • SciteJavadocComment - expands comments to Javadoc-style comments (like in Eclipse).
  • SciteDisplayFunctions - finds functions in a PHP source file and displays in UserList ?.
  • SciteCustomFolding - customizable folding and unfolding script.
  • SciteXmlAutocompletion - automatically closes tags and quotes attributes in XHTML and any XML files.
  • SciteMarkWord - marks all occurrences of the word under the cursor or selected text in the current file.
  • SciteListAllOccurances - finds all occurrences of the selected text in a file.
  • SciteProcessString - finds and performs operation on strings in a C source file.
  • SciteOpenToLine - open and goto line# (compilers produce output with line# like.
  • SciteOpenFilename - replacement for Ctrl+Shift+O with ability to search for some library and system header files.
  • SciteOpenUrl - open selection or text under cursor in default browser.
  • SciteOpenPhpLocalhost - Open a PHP file in localhost (instead of try to open the file outside of a web environment, that is not useful).
  • SciteManPages - Open a man page about selected word in Scite.
  • SciteTextFolding - outline mode for text documents (like Emacs).
  • SciteMacroExpander - expanding macros in-line.
  • SciteWordSelect - select the word under cursor.
  • SciteAutoExpansion - automatic expansion of some c keywords such as "if" and "for".
  • SciteWordSubstitution - auto-replacement of words in the editor.
  • SciteMiscScripts - toggle binary values, increment/decrement number, transpose two characters, insert current data, Lua calculator/expression evaluator.
  • SciteLatex - 3 useful scripts for writing Latex.
  • Little "convenience" scripts like auto completion
  • SciteUsingUnicode - sample code and functions on using a UTF-8 buffer.

    UsingLuaWithScite - a small howto (we should describe how to set lua functions as commands, etc.).SciteProgrammers - set up scite as an IDE for C, C++, Java, more, with tool tips and all (in progress).Note: SciTE 1.74 and later uses Lua 5.1, and as such, scripts that use Lua 5.1-incompatible code may break. New pages should generally start with "Scite" so we don't clutter the whole wiki. This is a place for sharing your small Lua scripts for the text editor. Lua-users wiki: Scite Scripts Scite Scripts

    Scite compiler